Your body's "check engine" light


You wouldn't put a sticker over your car's check engine light and call it "fixed." Masking symptoms is like covering up your body's check engine light. Symptoms are your body's warning sign that something is wrong!

Just how your car needs regular tune-ups, it's important to get your spine checked by a chiropractor regularly to see if there are any subluxations that need to be corrected. Subluxations are misalignments in the spine that interfere with our neurology. They can cause miscommunications to occur in the messaging between the brain and the body, hindering the brain's ability to coordinate the body's daily functions and healing process. This can cause a wide variety of symptoms in downstream organs, such as headaches, frequent colds, anxiety, digestive complaints, trouble sleeping, and more.

Here at Agape Family Chiropractic, we are passionate about getting to the root cause of symptoms. Our exam is neurologically informed so that we can see how your nervous system is functioning. We aren't looking to cover up your check engine light - we work to help fix the engine!

If you're ready to uncover the cause of symptoms and get your body functioning well again, schedule an appointment with us!


How chiropractic restores balance in the body


3 Reasons Why Spinal Alignment Matters