SOT & Activator Techniques


At Agape Family Chiropractic, we offer several different adjusting techniques to serve all kinds of patients! There are many ways to provide an adjustment, and different patients may have different adjusting needs. Today we wanted to share a little more about two of our low-force adjusting techniques.


SOT, or Sacro Occipital Technique, is a low force technique that has several different components. It is most famous for its use of wedge-shaped cushions called SOT blocks. We use SOT blocks to adjust the pelvis, and many patients report that these adjustments feel very gentle and comfortable. The blocks are placed under the patient's hips in various positions to address different misalignments, and the force of gravity completes the adjustment while laying on the blocks. Adjustments to the pelvis using SOT blocks help the pelvis unwind and restores proper alignment.

Sacro Occipital Technique focuses on restoring the flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) around the central nervous system. CSF bathes the brain and spinal cord, and the flow of CSF helps bring nutrients to these structures as well as washing waste products away. Misalignments in the body can alter the body's pumping action of CSF around the brain and spinal cord. Correcting these misalignments helps restore the flow of CSF!


When using Activator Methods, we use an instrument to provide the impulse of the adjustment. The activator provides an impulse that is very quick, and the speed of the activator helps it adjust effectively with very little mass or weight behind the force. Activator can be use to adjust the spine, the jaw, the sinuses, shoulders, wrists, knees, feet - you name it!

One unique feature of Activator adjustments is that we can adjust patients, sitting, standing, or laying down! This comes in handy when adjusting young kids who may not want to lay down on the adjusting table. We are happy to meet kids where they are most comfortable. The Activator can help us adjust from mom's lap!

Providing the Best Care

SOT and Activator are two low-force adjusting techniques that we offer at Agape Family Chiropractic. We choose which adjusting techniques to use based on the specific needs of each patient. If you're interested in getting to the root of the problem with specific and individualized chiropractic care, you can schedule an appointment with us here.


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